Sunday, December 28, 2008

I set my friends on fire

Hello, how was everyone's Christmas? Mine was pretty decent. I got like some clothes and an MP3 player. Well I hope everyone had a great holiday season and stuffzes.
It's almost three o'clock in the morning and I just suddenly felt like posting. I'm so tired I think I'm about to pass out. At any moment I think I may fall on the ground and not wake up for two days.
Like a zombie!!! But I'm not a zombie I'm a vampire...

So I was worried I'd get poisoned from eating at my grandmother Rhea's house for dinner last week. *cough cough* I now have a cold and I blame her because blaming others for my problems with society is just a hell of a lot easier.

That reminds me of a little thing called procrastination. Some people believe procrastinators get no where in life. But when you think about it, if you just go and do something right away, it gives you all of this extra time. And it's like so what do you do with this extra time? I have no idea. So to me procrastination is a part of life and I wish adults would get off my a** about it. Procrastination can make you realize every thing else you need to do, and then in turn get extra tasks done in the time you are avoiding something else. But anyway Ellen DeGeneres once mentioned the struggle with procrastination so I thought I would mention it.

So I better get to bed,
Good night everyone...


♥ashley said...

You stayed up until 3????
wtf dude hahahahahaha
Procrastination is a part of life, and my parents say the same, "Procrastination gets you know where" and so I'm going to tell them about your point. If I get yelled at, it's your fault!!! heehee Byebye

M♥A♥D♥D♥I!! said...

hey alix! if you mean the "mikey" aka ash schutt thing, she knew and laughed bout it. as for the other people that i dont get along with, sorry. drew already said stuff 2 me. i dnt mean 2 start s*** and i dnt want 2,i was jst tryin 2 tell ppl tht will listen other than my mom (she can get annoying with this kinda junk.)sorry again and c u next year! lol