Friday, November 28, 2008

How the world will one day end...

Hey Happy late Thanksgiving. I hope everyone's was good. Mine not so much. The only people there were my parents and my EVIL grandmother [I have a theory she's a witch but that's another story].
At least I got to eat good food though. I had cheesecake!!! It was yummy.

But back to the reason of my post. It's nice to eat home cooked meals, instead of the usual genetically modified foods, many people eat these days. I have a theory that if people continue eating things with all of the chemicals and stuff, we will all have a horrible end..... I think these kinds of things are turning people into....zombies!!! And I try not to turn into one, but I'm not sure how much longer I can last. I know this sounds krazy [yes I spell crazy with a k] but it is true. Remember next time you see someone that looks a little funny, don't just think it's because they are tired. Because they might just be ploting to eat you alive. Many people have their theorys of the world ending, but I think it's much more complex. Try to survive this epidemic. I don't want to be the only one left alive like Vincent Price when he was the last man on Earth.

Well I think that's the end of my post.....wait ohh ****! The zombies are breaking into my basement! No, leave me alone....AHH.....I think this is the end....Goodbye cruel world!!!

Right Where It Belongs

Heyyy everyone! I'm Alix and this is my blog [duhh]. I apologize I will only be able to post once or twice a week, seeming how I do not have a computer of my own.

Well you might wonder where I got my blog name from. My favorite band is Nine inch nails. One of their amazing songs is Right where it belongs. That song describes my life in some ways, but that's another story. Since I mentioned it, I will now write about Nine inch nails. If you don't like it to darn bad!!! Anywhozer I own three of their cd's. But by their, I really mean Trent Reznor. I believe he is the band because he writes the songs, created the band, ect. The Cd's I own are Broken, The Downward Spiral, and With Teeth. I think The Downward Spiral is the of the best cd ever. To me every song on there is awesome, I would definitely recommend the song Closer [director's cut]. I will remind you it is very inapropriate for young minds though.

Some other musical artists I love would be, Kanye west, Linkin Park, and Pink Floyd. I'm not as into rap music as I used to be, but I still love Kanye West. Especially the songs Gold Digger and Love Lockdown. I think most rap these days is kinda stupid, but Kanye has actual depth and meaning to his music. Also, I have allways thought Pink Floyd was awesome, but never really listened to it. Yesterday a documentary about them was on, so I decided to watch it. I then remembered that my dad owns The Wall. So I watched that to. It was like the most amazing thing I've ever seen, in a slightly disturbing way. Hense I am now a huge Pink Floyd fan.

I also need to mention some of the reason why I got a blog. My great friends Drew and Ashley each have a blog of their own, and I'm also a reader to their blogs. Check their blogs out, Drew's:, and Ashley's:

Well this post has come to an end, it turns out not every day is exactly the same.